
monnaie du pape lunaria
picto de rose

I chose to become a florist because I love nature in all her beauty : I cannot conceive this journey without doing my best to protect Mother Earth by limiting my environmental footprint.

Atelier Aimer adopted from the very beginning a sustainable & zero waste approach :

> by chosing studio work : I don’t throw away any flowers because I only buy/forage what I need for my orders.

> by carefully sourcing my flowers : as per my commitments with the Collectif de la Fleur Française, at least 50% of my flowers and foliages are from France. I source every stem I can with local flower growers, that are themselves committed to protect the environment, growing their blooms in the respect of seasons and biodiversity. I also grow a few flowers myself in my baby garden.

> by using sustainable floral techniques : all my designs are foam free (floral foam is a polluant plastic-based material): instead I use mechanics that are totally reusable.

> by my day-to-day actions : waste policy, composting of my green wastes in partnership with Compost in Situ, no plastics used, reusable wrappings for my subscription deliveries, upcycling of my fresh flowers leftovers into dried flowers… all those daily actions allow me to reduce my wastes to the minimum.

> by my network : I share this approach and environnemental concerns with many other vendors I work with. I favour local events, and encourage my clients to choose local vendors teams, in order to value the (many) talents of our region and reduce their environmental footprint.

For more details about my vision and all those important sustainability matters, go read the various Journal articles I wrote over the years.

atelieraimer-fleuriste-ecoresponsable-nantes-mariage © Dorothée Buteau